Zootopia tells the story of a bunny named Judy Hopps, a police officer at Zootopia. Once upon a time, ZPD—Zootopia Police Department was tasked with finding missing animals. However, she only got the job of being a meter maid. In carrying out her job as a meter maid, Judy gets information that there has been a robbery. Eager to prove herself, Judy chases a ferret across Zootopia. Distracted by the pursuit, Judy's duty as a meter maid was abandoned, and Chief Bogo reprimanded her. Suddenly, Mrs. Otterton came in, begging for help finding her husband. Judy offered her services. After that, she feels that Nick Wilde knows a lot about Mr. Otterton's disappearance, and Judy invites him to join the investigation. Judy and Nick launch their action and find all the missing animals that have gone wild, including Mr. Otterton. A chase ensues, which leads them to a museum. Ms. Bellwether reveals herself to be the true antagonist of Zootopia, calling for the imprisonment of all p...